WHY are people so obsessed by speed either by doing it or complaining about others doing it?

Now we have those wanting to build a high speed rail link between London and Birmingham claiming that a train doing 200mph is to everyone's benefit even though there will be no stations between the two points for it to stop at.

Surely instead of spending billions on an unwanted (by most) high speed rail link it would be better to spend money on the existing rail network, which is a shambles.

If trains were to run on time, with seats for every passenger, at sensible ticket prices and, in turn, travel safer even at 50mph more people would use them and help reduce traffic congestion and pollution.

But again we have people, including those trying running the country, more interested in short-term profits from building such a line than rail passengers in general and the communities most affected by the new line.

Keith Brooks, Gateley, Horspath