I AGREE with R Matthew (Viewpoints, September 30) that the Vale of White Horse has not thought the issue of the new waste bins through correctly.

Luckily with us, storage is no problem, but I am concerned about the fact that they will no longer collect textiles, so could we take them to a supermarket or tip? Have they considered all the elderly people who have given up their cars?

For example, a trip from Cumnor to the Redbridge tip could involve four buses, some walking and take at least two to three hours, which many people could not manage. We all occasionally have old, unusable clothing or even larger items like worn-out pillows, duvet or curtains. Will the charity or street bins be overflowing with rubbish? Perhaps it will just be dumped, which would be another eyesore and more expense for the council.

There could so easily be a solution. Perhaps special labels to attach to black bin liners and a collection on a certain day each month, or even less frequently.

It would surely not be difficult to keep them away from other items.

Oh, for the good old days, when a metal dustbin was emptied once a week, although, I do agree that recycling is necessary nowadays.

MRS DOREEN COX, Kenilworth Road, Cumnor