Sir – I am happy to find that I am among the majority of your readers who think that it is wrong for more than 100 public servants in Oxfordshire to earn more than the Prime Minister.

In a time of swingeing public service cuts which will cause many redundancies, we cannot justify the inflated salaries of “fat cats” whose pay would keep ten other people in a job.

Put it this way: the pay of four of these local government bureaucrats would be enough to finance the playground scheme in Barton, which the council is now scrapping for lack of Government funding of £800,000.

Barton was promised a playground and Barton deserves a playground. If there were less wastage at all levels of our economy, many of these cuts could be avoided, even now. We are snatching funds from pensioners here, yet we think we can afford to bail out Greece. None of that makes sense to me.

Julia Gasper (Dr), Oxford