A 95-year-old woman who knits toys and clothes for some of the world's poorest orphans is appealing for donations of wool.

Dorothy Williams, who lives off Cowley Road in east Oxford, is dedicated to knitting gifts for children who have no possessions of their own.

The cuddly teddies, scarfs, gloves and hats made by Mrs Williams and nine other women in the county are sent to eastern Europe at Christmas by the charity Samaritan's Purse.

The gifts are wrapped in shoeboxes which are then given as Christmas presents.

Mrs Williams, who used to work for Magdalen College and in a bakery in Oxford before retiring, is urging people to donate wool to help prepare for this year's Operation Christmas Child.

She said: "I love to knit, it's a pleasure to do it. I spend hours and hours nearly every day knitting. It's all for the children, they need scarfs and hats."

Fellow knitter Pam Clare, of Cowley, Oxford, said: "Dorothy is wonderful, she is marvellous. It's amazing, you wouldn't believe she is 95-years-old. She is very active and she loves knitting for the children. She makes the most intricate, delicate toys angels, clowns, teddies, everything.

"She knows she is doing something for the children. It's so cold over there they need the scarfs and gloves desperately. But it's the toys they really love."

For many children, Christmas is just another day and the shoebox is the only present they get. The boxes go to children in shelters, hospitals, orphanages and to poverty-stricken families.

Mrs Clare also collects second hand teddies and toys for the boxes.

She said: "I wash every single thing I get, it must all be perfect before it goes to them, I won't send anything even with a tiny spot on it."

The group's work was featured in the Oxford Mail last year, triggering many donations of wool.

"Last time you did an article it was lovely, we got so many donations we were overwhelmed," said Mrs Clare. "People were so generous, we hope that will happen again." To donate wool call Mrs Clare on 01865 778873.