A Mr E Woollard (Oxford Mail, July 7) suggested that all cyclists who ride on the footpaths should be fined. This sounds as if it's a good idea, but it would not work.

The council would have to employ staff to stop and fine the cyclists. The fines would not be paid and so would have to be written off. This would be at the extra cost to the council tax payer.

The police had already realised that they would have the same problem, which is why they ignore the offence and offenders.

I believe that it was the council who came up with the dangerous and stupid idea of shared footpath/cycle paths, so now, sheeplike cyclists think that all footpaths are for them.

Why not start a 'Return the Footpaths to the Pedestrian' protest. You could write to the council, write to your MP, write to the newspapers or doesn't anybody care any more?

By the way, the cycle bell has given way to shouted obscenities.

Id Murray, Brookside, Abingdon