Oxford girl Eleanor Glynn has rocked her way to the Miss England crown - and now has the Miss World title in her sights.

The 20-year-old Miss Oxford wowed national judges by belting out the 70s rock classic Since You've Been Gone at the finals in Leicester.

The 5ft 9in brunette beat 69 other hopefuls at the event at Leicester's Walkers Stadium and will now be jetting off to Poland for the Miss World show.

Back at her Sandford-on-Thames home yesterday the result from the competition, held over Thursday and Friday, still hadn't sunk in.

"I just can't believe it, it's so exciting.

"It was really nervy backstage. There were 70 girls this year, the biggest number they have ever had."

Miss Glynn sang Since You've Been Gone by Rainbow as part of the talent show and then all 70 entrants were photographed in their local football club's colours.

There was an early sign of things to come when her Oxford United shirt proved too big and it was quickly swapped for an England top.

Miss Glynn qualified for the national event by winning the Miss Oxford event at the Studio nightclub in the Westgate Centre last October.

And although she was nervous she had plenty of support from friends and family at Saturday's finals.

"When I won they just went crazy, everyone was congratulating me.

"The other girls were lovely. They were really supportive and I made some great friends."

Miss Glynn now has her sights set on Poland in September where she hopes to bring the Miss World crown back to Oxford.

She said: "We're in Poland for a month.

"I am quite nervous because I don't know what to expect but everyone keeps ringing me with plenty of advice."

Kayleigh George, 17, from Radley, who took part in the competition as Miss Coventry, failed to make the final 20.

She said: "I had a great time and I was cheering Eleanor on. I would love to be chosen as Miss Oxford myself."