TWO armed robbers weilding a crowbar, claw hammer and kitchen knife made off with cash from a shop in Banbury.

Shortly before 10pm on Sunday two men entered the Co-op store in Ferriston.

One man, who had a small crowbar, remained at the door of the shop, while the second man, who had a claw hammer and a kitchen knife, approached the till staff and threatened them.

He ordered staff to empty cash from the tills while others in the store were forced to kneel on the floor.

Both men then ran away through the nearby park in the direction of Ironstones.

The first man was white, about 5ft 10ins, medium build and in his early twenties.

He was wearing a grey hooded tracksuit top with the hood pulled over his head, a white scarf around his face so that only his eyes could be seen, dark grey tracksuit bottoms and white trainers.

The second man was white, about 5ft 9ins, of slim build, in his late teens with blue eyes.

He was wearing a black hooded top that had white marking across the shoulders with the hood up, black tracksuit bottoms and a red and white scarf around his face.

Pc Ian Gibbard said: “Thankfully no one was hurt in the incident, though members of staff were left shaken by what happened.

“I would urge anyone with any information about this incident to come forward and speak to me as soon as possible.

“I would also like to hear from anyone who may have seen these men either before or after the robbery, who may have seen the direction they came from or where they went after they committed the crime.

“It may be that your information helps us to catch these people.”

Anyone with information should contact Pc Gibbard on 08458 505505 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111.