FOOTBALL fans regularly get a bad name. Conversely they also do a lot of good, rallying behind fellow supporters of their club (or the club itself on occasion) when they are in deep trouble.

Yet the United fans who organised a collection for little Tess Sullivan are certainly ones out of the box.

Tess is one of only 50 children in the world with Alexander disease, a rare genetic disorder that will ultimately take her life.

Her family are raising money to take her to Disney but there is no connection to Oxford or United.

Yet super U’s fan Dave Cudd organised a collection outside the Kassam Stadium after reading about the three-year-old Accrington Stanley supporter’s plight while surfing the Internet trying to find out information about the northern team.

Dave and his fellow organisers raised £550 before Saturday’s game against Accrington Stanley and he says: “United fans are a generous lot.”

They certainly are.

Tess’ parents are gobsmacked that United fans would do this for her daughter, but it just shows that, despite tribal rivalries, what a unifying force for good football can be.