YOU reported (Oxford Mail, August 19) that a local GP was under investigation.

Leaving aside the particulars of the case, I was curious what significance readers would attribute to the GP being described as “a devout evangelist”.

Let me suggest that to be such is a good and commendable thing.

An evangelist cares about your whole person, soul as well as body; cares about the whole of your future, not just the present; respects your ability to reasess previously-held beliefs – and your right to continue to maintain them. And if he earns his living in a secular occupation, you have more reason to listen to him, because you know he’s not in it for the money.

You’re free not to give heed, but let me suggest that it is not the place of any public body, nor of codes or regulations, to protect you from the possibility of hearing good news from God.

William Cowan, Grove Street, Oxford