Commenting on the coalition government’s 100 days, Andrew Smith makes the extraordinary statement that ‘people voted Lib Dem, especially in Oxford, to keep the Tories out’.

Really? Even in Oxford East, where the Conservatives were nowhere and it was a clear battle between Labour and the Lib Dems?

Many people in this constituency must have been voting Lib Dem to get Labour, and Andrew Smith, out.

That was not surprising, given Labour’s record in government. The gap between the rich and poor widened, the terrorist threat was used to justify attacks on basic liberties, we were led into an illegal war, the Government disastrously sought to micro-manage every aspect of public service, and they left us with a £12 billion budget deficit.

As a lifelong Liberal, I am delighted with what we have already achieved as the junior partner in a coalition government: raising the income tax threshold for low earners while increasing capital gains tax; restoring the link between pensions and earnings; giving schools extra support for disadvantaged pupils; cancelling ID cards; and seeing Nick Clegg personally in charge of restoring civil liberties and reforming Parliament, including the voting system.

Of course we would rather be running a wholly Lib Dem government, but that is not what the people voted for. The coalition is delivering a far more liberal agenda than we could ever have got from the clapped-out Labour Party.

Margaret Godden, Divinity Road, Oxford