OXFORDSHIRE County Council boss Keith Mitchell keeps writing letters to the Oxford Mail, blaming the previous Labour government for the council’s financial woes.

That government admittedly made many mistakes, but Mr Mitchell seems to forget that the financial troubles were started by Mrs Thatcher, when she deregulated business dealings and let bankers and traders start making dodgy investments and unwise decisions.

Mr Mitchell should stop looking for a scapegoat and admit that Oxfordshire would be much better off if councillors had not wasted money on ludicrous schemes like Frideswide Square, the 20mph speed limits, installing and then removing a bus lane in Kidlington, and daft traffic changes in Abingdon.

We might also be better off if councillors like Mr Mitchell had not been paid so much in remuneration and expenses (more than £37,000 for Keith in 2009-10, according to the county council website).

Tony Augarde Carlton Road Oxford