STAFF at the Cotswold Wildlife Park are welcoming four new arrivals to add to their collection of lizards.

Olive, Emerald, Sage and Moss are all Yemen chameleons and are the first to be bred at the park near Burford.

They all measure just between 2-3in, but could reach 24in when fully grown.

Iri Gill, head of herpetology at the Burford park said: “The chameleons are also called ‘veiled’ chameleons and this is the first time in the history of the park that we have been able to breed them.”

The Yemen chameleon is usually found in the mountain regions of Yemen, the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia.

They have a flattened body designed to mimic a leaf and feet specially adapted for grasping limbs and branches.

Visitors to the park will be able to see the new arrivals in two weeks, when they will join baby snakes and iguanas in the park’s reptile nursery.