CYCLISTS riding from Land’s End to John O’Groats made a pit stop in Oxford to deliver two cheques totalling £5,500.

Father-of-two Graham Frogley, a teacher at Bicester’s Cooper School, his brother Michael and three friends set off from Land’s End, Cornwall, on July 26, and will cover almost 1,000 miles on their journey.

They made a slight detour to present the cheques to the Cleft Lip and Palate Association (Clapa) and Oxford Children’s Hospital.

Mr Frogley decided to take on the cycling challenge as a way to say thank you to both organisations, which have helped his four-year-old daughter Isabella, who was born with a cleft lip and palate.

She has had three operations to repair her lip and put grommets in her ears to combat glue ear — a side-effect of the condition.

When she is about seven will have further corrective surgery on her upper jaw, using bone from her hip.

Mr Frogley, 39, of Langford Village, Bicester, said they were riding about 100 miles a day.

He said: “The hills around Devon and Cornwall were tough, but this area is nice and flat.”

“We stopped off at the John Radcliffe to hand over two cheques, one for £4,500 to Clapa and one for £1,000 to the Children’s Hospital.”

The other team members are Martyn Ellis, of Bicester, Paul Wilkinson, of Kidlington, and Brian Devlin, from London.

They expect the charity ride to take about a fortnight.

To sponsor the cyclists, see