Sir – The coverage given to speculation on the extent of imminent cuts to county services included a reference to the possible closure of libraries.

The idea that thousands of books might lie unread and mouldering on shelves should surely be unthinkable, especially in a county such as ours, with its strong literary and scholastic tradition.

Whilst library use may have fallen away in past years, they are still an unrivalled source of information and pleasure for young and old.

While not wishing, in any way, to denigrate the skills of library assistants, I think that volunteers could quickly master the procedures for registering incoming and outgoing borrowings, the restacking of shelves and the booking of computer time.

Were it to be announced through the press, and through library branches, that opening, even with reduced sessions depended upon volunteers, I believe that they will come forward.

This is an aspect of the “big society” that might actually work!

Martin Sheldon, Headington Quarry