Sir – Ian East (Letters, July 29) is wrong to blame the Liberal Democrats for the removal of speed cameras from Oxfordshire's roads.

Rodney Rose, cabinet member responsible for transport, has admitted that cuts in Government funding for the roads partnership, which up to now has managed speed cameras, will not be implemented till next year.

Right now, the money is still available to fund speed cameras, should the council wish to reverse this decision.

Switching them off is a choice, not a necessity, made by Conservative-run Oxfordshire County Council quite independently of the coalition government.

In fact the Liberal Democrat group on the county council opposed the move.

It’s become a bit of a convenient fashion for newspapers and others to blame the Liberal Democrats for any unpopular policies.

But there is no coalition locally, and the responsibility for any deaths or accidents that result from these premature cuts must be borne by Oxfordshire Conservatives on their own.

Liz Leffman, Charlbury