Sir – Can the county council personally guarantee me that by switching-off all of Oxfordshire’s speed cameras, my family, friends, colleagues and employees will not be at greater risk of death and serious injury as they travel the county’s roads?

There has been lots in the news about the need to save taxpayers money, the supposedly huge sums these cameras generate in fines, and, somewhat confusingly given the previous statement, suggestions that cameras are not cost-effective.

I have read comments from the Thames Valley Safer Road Partnership — which operates the cameras — about how successful the cameras have been in making Oxfordshire’s roads safer, as well as quotes from road safety groups, and even the shadow Home Secretary Alan Johnson, deploring the decision.

What I have not heard is the council’s justification of its plans to cut camera funding, its assessment of the impact shutting down the cameras will have on road casualties in the county, and what steps it is taking to keep our roads safe.

As a county council taxpayer I want to know what my money is not being spent on, just as much as I want to know what it is being spent on.

David Beesley, Chairman, B-Line Business Supplies, Stanton St John