Police are appealing for witnesses after three burglaries in the South Oxfordshire area.

The first of the burglaries took place between 11am on Thursday and 2.45pm on Sunday, where burglars forced their way into a property in Kennylands Road, Sonning Common, and stole a Sony PS3 games console, games, an iMac computer, jewellery and a 42-in flat-screen TV.

Between 7.30pm and 11.30pm on Friday, burglars gained entry into a property in Lambridge Wood Road in Henley through an insecure window while the residents were at home watching TV. Items stolen in the burglary included cash and jewellery.

The last burglary was on Sunday, between 1pm and 3.45pm, at a property in Blandy Road, where burglars smashed their way into the property through a conservatory window and stole cash and digital camera.

Det Con Georgina Bradley said: “At the last burglary in Blandy Road, witnesses have reported seeing two men playing with a ball in the street and acting suspiciously.

“Both men are described as Asian, in their early twenties, about 5ft 6in tall, stocky, with short cropped hair.

“A few minutes later what is believed to be a Chinese lady was seen walking from the driveway of the burgled property. She is described as 5ft 6in tall, in her mid-twenties, slim, with dark, straggly hair.

“This group were seen together shortly after with another Asian man, who is described as about 6ft tall, thin, with short dark hair.

“I would like to speak to anyone who may have seen these people in the area at the time, and anyone who may have any information regarding the other two burglaries as soon as possible.”

Anyone with information should contact Det Con Bradley via the 24-hour Thames Valley Police Enquiry Line on 0845 8 505 505. Alternatively you can contact the Crimestoppers charity anonymously on 0800 555 111.