THE underlying psychopathic tendencies of those who hunt and shoot have been all-too-evident in the recent news of the killings in Cumbria, and over the past 30 years or more.

Instead of ‘shutting the stable door’ by funding a police investigation after the crime is solved, Prime Minister Cameron and his poodle, Clegg, should use said funding to hold a public enquiry into the catastrophic failure of police legal procedures, which gave a convicted criminal licence to hold shotguns and firearms.

A modicum of common sense would have informed any sane individual that giving a known criminal permission to own lethal weapons was total insanity in itself.

It was such action which led to the terrible consequences in Cumbria, and, in short, the police are to blame for the deaths of yet more innocent members of the public.

DIANA MITCHELL, Starnham Road, Ducklington