ROTARY Club member David Tee has returned from a visit to Chernobyl, where he worked with children left disabled as a result of the 1986 nuclear disaster.

Mr Tee, a member of Witney Rotary Club, spent a week working with the children at the Children’s Correction Centre in Vetka, Belarus.

The centre supports children with severe mental and physical disabilities and their families.

Chernobyl was the site of the nuclear power plant disaster which spread radiation across the country and beyond.

Mr Tee, of Witney, was accompanied by Nigel Roberts, director of West Oxfordshire Vetka Association (WOVA).

Mr Tee, who is the managing director of WOVA, said: “Both Nigel and I were profoundly affected by all we saw during the week and we have returned with a mission to deliver the services these extraordinary children and their devoted families and carers deserve.

“We’ve written a detailed project plan and have begun to apply for some funding, but much still needs to be done.

“People pretend that these children don’t exist, but things must change.”

The project will raise money to provide services such as massage and aromatherapy, to buy specialist equipment to stimulate motor functions and to make repairs to the building.