Sir – Christopher Danziger (Letters, May 27) is right to praise Costain for the A34 flyover at Pear Tree, but there is an important facet of this project he does not mention: Costain has invited local people to exhibitions, demonstrations, meetings and even to watch the ‘bridge-rolling’ operation, and have additionally kept us informed through house-to-house delivered leaflets from the start of this long project.

We have written both to Costain and to the Highways Authority to thank them for ther local consultation.

Significantly there are two other major multi-million pound projects proposed for this very same area: the Northern Gateway and Wolvercote Paper Mill site redevelopment.

We hope the developers, and the city council, will learn the lesson that you can meaningfully consult locally and excel technically.

Andrew Burchardt, Honorary Secretary, Wolvercote Commoners’ Committee, Wolvercote