Sir – I refer to the article (May 20) Police officers fly flag for gay pride. We are well used to the loony left of Oxford City Council flying strange flags as they do have a particular political agenda, so it is no surprise they are flying the rainbow flag to promote gay and transgender pride, no doubt at the expense of council taxpayers.

What is surprising is the involvement of Thames Valley Police who are clearly supporting a particular sector of society using police resources at taxpayers’ expense.

This is unacceptable at any time and certainly not in the middle of a financial crisis. Surely the role of the police is to administer law and order in a impartial manner regardless of race, religion or sexual orientation.

I would suggest it is not the role of the police to be standing around flag poles promoting sexual diversity when they should be out on the streets doing the job they are paid for.

This type of activity ridicules the police and only adds to its current low esteem in the eyes of the public. This is political correctness gone bonkers.

Anthony Morris, Boars Hill