THESE young people made sure that worship at church went with a swing.

The minister and organist at Headington Quarry Methodist Church in Oxford took a rest occasionally during evening service – to make way for a guitarist and a group of singers.

The group, known as the Songsters, was formed in 1965 by Mary Scott to lead the singing at the church’s Sunday School.

And the girls, aged from 14 upwards, proved so popular that the minister, the Rev Cyril Mitchell, invited them to perform at evening services as well.

Miss Scott appears on the extreme left of the picture above, while Mr Mitchell is behind the group at the lectern. The group also sang spirituals.

This picture was taken in 1966, a year after they formed.

Mr Mitchell said at the time: “The main advantage is that the children feel they are taking part in the service, rather than just sitting down and listening.

“We have had no complaints from the congregation – everyone is very thrilled about the group.”

The guitarist was 17-year-old Rosemary Styles, of Ramsay Road, Headington, a pupil at Milham Ford School.

Sadly, we don’t know the names of any of the singers. Does anyone know or recall the Songsters?