HOW many of these pupils and teachers can we recognise?

This picture was taken at Headington Council Senior School – better known as Margaret Road School – in Oxford in 1939.

It appears to be part of one of those popular panoramic photographs that were often taken at schools.

It was sent in by reader Ethel Moffitt, who has happy memories of her time there.

She writes: “We were taught differently in those days – we had to use our brains more than the children today, but that’s due to technology and the modern times.

“We had some marvellous teachers. The headmaster, Mr Eason, was quite a man – very strict but very fair.

“I remember our cookery teacher – she was a lovely lady – as well as Mr Silcox and Mr Johnston, who clipped your ear if you talked in class.

“I hope many of my friends are still alive. I am now 83 and was called ‘Tich’ by other pupils as I was small.”