A CARNIVAL atmosphere is set to hit the streets of Oxford this weekend with a gathering of street musicians from around the country.

The city will host the Street Band Gathering, a convention for musicians, band leaders and community bands, which will include workshops, discussion and performance.

About 100 musicians are expected to descend on Oxford to take part in events today, tomorrow and on Sunday.

Oxford has its very own street band, Horns of Plenty, which was formed three years ago in connection with the Cowley Road Carnival.

Horns of Plenty saxophonist Simon Chatterton has helped organise the event.

He said: “The idea is that across the country and the world there are bands very much like ours, community bands that perform for all sorts of local events such as carnivals, fairs and allotment parties.

“This weekend is really an opportunity over three days to bring everybody together for a range of discussions, workshops and performances aimed at building this wider community.

“There hasn’t been anything like this in the UK for 15 years.”

As well as activities for those involved in the street band scene, there will be free events for the public to enjoy.

Tomorrow there will be free, non-stop performances at Oxford Castle, from 7pm to 10pm.

And on Sunday, all the musicians will perform as one giant street band, parading along Broad Street from 4pm.

Mr Chatterton said: “For the people involved, it’s a fantastic way to learn an instrument.

“It is very easy to be, like I was, a closet saxophonist and to have an instrument sitting in your cupboard and never get round to playing it.

“The great thing about street bands is they are very much a kind of party band. You play music from all over the world, things that are great to dance to and have a party to.

“It has been a fantastic way to feel involved in the community.”

There are currently 25 members of Horns of Plenty, but since it launched 70 people have been involved and the band has played more than 100 performances.

The event is being co-hosted by Oxford Contemporary Music.

Director Jo Ross, who is also a baritone saxophonist with Horns of Plenty, said: “We have no idea what the massed band on Sunday is going to sound like.

“I think it’s going to be quite loud – but tuneful we hope.”

For more information visit streetband gathering.org.uk or hornsofplenty.co.uk