With the summer term in full swing many pupils are concentrating on the final stages of revision for their exams.

At Oxford High School however, we believe that exams are only a part of the school experience and pupils are encouraged to develop and continue the breadth of their extracurricular interests while engaged in a stimulating and exciting programme of study at all levels.

Extra-curricular clubs and activities offer variety and challenge for every individual.

At OHS, almost all our clubs are open access and many give opportunities for pupils to improve their curriculum work. There are around 100 clubs to choose from in any one term, ranging from ecology club to motor racing club, and Years 7 and 8 have the first period after lunch set aside for club activities.

The strong musical life of the school has at its heart the dedication and gifted musicianship demonstrated by its students. The same is true of drama productions, which all students are encouraged to participate in and direct or to become involved backstage.

We have a number of choirs for the varying age ranges within the school all of whom performed recently at Miss Lusk’s farewell concert at the Sheldonian.

The lower school choir performs at all the lower school concerts throughout the year and the carol service.

The chamber choir’s repertoire ranges from Latin sacred music to pop songs in 2, 3 and 4 parts and the senior choir (years 9-13) embark on the great choral works, with tenors and basses drawn from parents and friends.

A Cappella (years 8-13) is particularly successful and their repertoire includes both sacred and secular music.

Membership of sports teams emphasises the important balance between individual fitness, skill and performance and group success.

We offer opportunities for the elite performer and the social participant.

Local fixtures provide us with strong competition and GDST Rallies offer further incentive for success and excellent performance in the principal sports.

OHS teams are often finalists in county and national tournaments and a number of our girls are selected each year for the county and some from that number will be chosen to represent the territory or country.

OHS has excellent sports staff supported by an experienced team of visiting coaches who offer such activities as sailing at Farmoor reservoir and fencing.

Year 7 girls also have the opportunity to spend a week at Kilve court in Somerset.

There they enjoy the challenge and adventure of outdoor pursuits including abseiling, canoeing, caving, rock climbing, mountain biking, sailing, a beach study, obstacle courses (high and low ropes) and problem solving tasks.

This wonderful experience gives many opportunities for the girls to extend and challenge themselves physically, intellectually and socially.

OHS is very proud of the record of its companies in the Young Enterprise scheme and for some participants this has been pivotal in their choice of future career. We also participate in the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme.

For many students, the high spots at school are related to what happens outside the lessons as much as during them, and expeditions and visits to Iceland, Italy, Greece, France Nepal and Russia confirm this.

For their teachers too, seeing young women complete their education fulfilled and optimistic about their futures, reminds them of how privileged they are to share in their lives.