Sir, I am puzzled by your front page report on the proposed Westgate development. The illustration shows relaxed pedestrians enjoying a bus-free Queen Street under a clear blue sky, but your quote from John Goddard says this is exactly what we will not get: the buses and the inevitable congestion and pollution they bring will remain if this proposal is allowed through. Goddard is, of course, entirely correct in saying that it is not the developers' responsibility to solve the city's traffic problems, nor can the bus companies do much on their own: the main responsibility lies with the city council.

If they do not take this opportunity to sort out the problems of pollution in Queen Street it will be a long time until such a good opportunity comes again.

The developers have clearly been led to believe that they can get away with spending as little as one half of one per cent of their investment on improving infrastructure around the development. The city is giving away a prime site for a derisory amount.

Martin Juckes, Oxford