Sir, The main aims and objectives of the draft South East Plan, out for consultation until today, are welcome as is the thrust of its core strategy. There is a commitment to maintain existing Green Belt designations in England's South East region, to promote sustainable development and to ensure that development only takes place when the necessary infrastructure is available or will be provided in time.

Economic growth which minimises pressures on land and labour, strategic development at the growth areas (Thames Gateway, Ashford, Milton Keynes) and in South Hampshire, and the need to address intra-regional disparities are also positive features of the plan's spatial strategy.

However, the South East Plan to 2026, which is to take precedence over the county's Structure Plan to 2016 and the districts' Local Plans, needs to define what specifically is intended as policy.

There would be more clarity if the core strategy section contained appropriate, focused and concise policies. Local district development documents need to fit in with well-defined policies in the South East Plan, as both will determine the outcome of planning applications.

Further stages of consultation now follow, including an examination in public to start on November 28, 2006. The South East England Regional Assembly (Seera) panel working on the plan are to due to present their report at the end of July next year. To find out more about the S.E. Plan and the Vale of White Horse District Council's response to it log on to the Vale's website ( and go to council and democracy, agenda and minutes, browse the agenda and minutes, council, June 14, 2006, item 11, additional documents, South East Plan report.

Tessa Ward, District councillor, Sunningwell and Wootton Ward