I f you love yoga, then you and your child will love yoga the Tatty Bumpkin way. Set up by yoga and Birthlight teacher Sam Petter over a year ago, a network of classes is now being set up all over the UK, with 30 teachers already practising and the Bell Trees Clinic is now part of this.

Qualified teacher Jennifer Cook runs the classes at the clinic in Botley. The classes are inspired by yoga moves, but are based around the Tatty Bumpkin bendy doll. The doll is the secret weapon' engaging children, parents and teachers alike.

It works like magic and there are many happy toddlers to testify to this fact. While the classes appear free, fun and full of imaginary play, the underlying elements are core developmental principles.

Using the bendy doll, even the most reticent and inward-looking child can blossom in the most amazing way.

Unique illustrations and songs also help to inspire and motivate the children, taking them on an imaginative and therapeutic adventure.

Creator of the system, Sam Petter, said: "I wanted to devise a class format that tapped into the rich seam of children's imagination, while at the same time entertaining both the parents and children.

"It is s amazing to see how the children develop week by week. It is all about tapping into their natural inclination for spontaneous play. And it is amazing to see the parents and carers accessing their inner child too."

While the classes follow the core yoga beliefs healthy living, respect, awareness, physical exercise, and breathing the teaching and the postures are based around stories, songs and accessories, devised by Sam, to work with the two to six-year age range. This can also be extended to age seven.

Working with paediatric physiotherapists, educationalists, yoga teachers and musicians, a simple to follow class structure has been devised which explores physicality, expands confidence, and excites minds.

Mums, dads and carers are all welcome along with their toddlers.

All children will have had range of different experiences.by the time they attend pre-school, or school.

They will have learned a great deal, particularly from their families, and will have varied interests and skills.

Children aged three, four and five are constantly encountering new experiences and seeking to understand them to extend their skills and develop their confidence.

They learn in many different ways. Tatty Bumpkin classes are multi-sensory and specifically address the needs and requirements of the Foundation Stage.

The children will learn about social skills and interaction. Within the story-based class there will be opportunities to share, take turns, help others, and participate in group activities throwing, rowing together, and simple partner work. All this teaches them social lessons in a fun and practical manner, with real applications.

There are well documented benefits of storytelling, and during classes the children also access vocabulary and scenarios in a physical and practical way that helps contextualise language and communication.

The free play' nature encourages self expression and confidence in their own abilities. Using a music CD, written in conjunction with musical educationalists, the children learn communication through song.

The use of the doll and the mat helps the experience continue at home and aids parental participation. Child and parent attachment is an important part of the Tatty Bumpkin ethos.

The classes are run in six-week blocks, following school term times.