Sir, As a newcomer to Wolvercote, having moved there with my wife and family, I have become increasingly concerned with the proposed development of the Wolvercote Paper Mill site by Oxford University, and the impact it will have on the village.

The plan is to build some 200 dwellings, some of which are for University staff, many of whom the university would like to regard as 'key workers' a term normally used to describe teachers, nurses and police who work for the public. According to The Oxford Times, the University wants to regard them as key workers.

So, imagine my surprise to learn of the latest move by the University relating to this site. Adjoining the Mill land, there was a field owned by a Mr Nixey, who wished to sell for property development. I understand there was some difficulty gaining access as it meant crossing Oxford University Press land. What impressed me so much was to be told that the Oxford University had purchased the field from Mr Nixey for an undisclosed sum, and declared that this area is never to be built on, protected for all time and open to everyone to enjoy as a nature reserve.

If this is true, what a wonderful gift to the village and the environment in general.

All I can say is well done, Oxford University.

Rob Knight, Wolvercote