I would like to invite Glenn Comiskey (Oxford Mail, April 15) to be a pedestrian on Oxford's Eastern Bypass. We all worked hard to get a 50mph limit along this stretch of road.

Believe me, there was no "overwhelming silence" from us pedestrians. The petition I signed had many signatures.

Should Mr Comiskey dare to cross the road, even with the green man in his favour, he would find that he takes his life in his hands.

The amount of debris on the side of the road is proof of the near misses of more accidents.

A speed limit of 50mph means nothing to most drivers anyway. The hideous barrier that has been erected has, so far, stayed graffiti-free, proof enough that it is still too dangerous.

The amount of rubbish on both sides of the road is left there, apparently because it is too dangerous for anyone to be employed to pick it all up.

Incidentally, I counted 11 people flouting the law and using mobile phones while driving on Sunday, April 16. Evidently, the laws are there to be broken.

Mary Stiff, Corunna Crescent, Cowley, Oxford