Oxford Community School is luring GCSE students back into class over the Easter holiday with the promise of a free theme park trip.

The three-day revision conference, which started on Wednesday, is the first event to take place as part of a two-year £90,000 programme of after-school initiatives to raise standards.

The school will open for extra cramming sessions every Saturday during the run-up to the summer exams as part of the programme, funded by the Regional Development Agency.

More than 90 students half of the Year 11 cohort turned up for this week's conference to learn study and revision skills and brush up on their maths, English, science and history.

A continental breakfast and break-time sports and drama activities are among the perks for students who turn up for the event at the school in Glanville Road.

Senior teacher Jenny Montgomerie, who is coordinating the conference, said: "We are using a merit system to motivate the kids.

"Students who attend these sessions will be eligible to go on a free trip, possibly Alton Towers or Thorpe Park, after their exams.

"If they do this for three days and continue their revision at home, they are going to be better prepared for their GCSE exams.

"They can take part in sports activities in their free time it's the holidays, after all, and it's about them having fun."

Cyan Turan, 15, is among the students giving up part of her school holiday to attend the event.

She said: "We know that we have to revise and this gives us the motivation to do it. It's more constructive than what we would do at home.

"The free trip was an extra incentive."

Tasha Galikande, 16, said: "This gives us the confidence to revise individually when it comes round to it.

"It's different to school. We're treated more as people rather than pupils. We're here on our own free will, not because we're being made to come here."

Martha Baker, 16, added: "I don't like revising science, but we're doing it in a different way here.

"We do a lot of theory in science lessons but we've been doing practical stuff today which is more fun."