TWO trees and a listed wall have come down at the John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford, to make way for buses.

Residents in Headington had strongly opposed their removal at the Osler Road entrance to the hospital.

But the Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals NHS Trust said they had to make way for a bus-only road that will link the hospital to London Road. It said the creation of two new bus routes to the hospital was a city council requirement when it applied to build the new children's hospital and the new hospital West Wing. Dave Edwards, the trust's transport and planning manager, said: "The last thing we wanted to do was cut down beech trees, but we could not avoid it. We have held regular meetings with residents and everything has been done with full planning approval." He said the listed wall would be substantially rebuilt. The 18th-century wall is part of the original Manor House.

But Lesley Maddock, former secretary of the Friends of Old Headington, said: "I think this is an affront to the village."