Winifred Simpson, who has died aged 100, taught shorthand and typing to hundreds of Oxford school pupils.

Known affectionately as 'Aggie', she was a teacher at the old Secondary Technical School in St Ebbe's, in the 1940s and 1950s.

One former pupil, Barbara Cleary, of Queen Emma's Dyke, Witney, attributed her successful career to Miss Simpson.

After leaving school, she returned as a typist in the school office. Later, she worked at the Radcliffe Infirmary and then set up her own secretarial business.

Mrs Cleary, whose maiden name was Phelps, said: "I owe my success to dear Aggie Simpson for the shorthand and especially the typing skills she taught me."

Miss Simpson celebrated her 100th birthday at the Avon Cliff Nursing Home, at Bournemouth, in September last year.

Two parties were held for her, and the Queen sent a message of congratulation.

Miss Simpson died at the home on March 24 and her funeral was held at Bournemouth on Monday.