Sir My colleagues and I were pleased to read that your correspondent A.Watson (Letters, March 24) had enjoyed many of the events that Oxford Inspires has promoted.

Following the success of the Evolving City programme last year, which generated considerable benefits to individuals, communities and organisations, we will indeed be celebrating a thousand years of Oxfordshire in 2007. By far the greater part of the county has been identifiable as Oxfordshire since about 1007 as distinguished local historians will confirm. Oxford Inspires will be promoting 2007 as a year of festivals and special events; and thereby seeking to involve more people more actively in a wide range of cultural and sporting activities. Part of the job of Oxford Inspires is to promote the best of Oxfordshire's culture to both residents and visitors. Whatever importance people attach to county boundaries we hope that those living in Bucks and Berks, as well as Oxon, will discover something new and something to enjoy in the architecture, countryside and cultural life of Oxford and Oxfordshire in 2007. In the week in which Oxford plays host to the Solar Cities Congress, it is important to emphasise that it isn't necessary to fly abroad to have a stimulating or relaxing break!

Robert Hutchison, Chief executive, Oxford Inspires