Wallingford's year of Charter celebrations is set to go out with a royal visit and a major campaign to help disaster victims.

The town has been celebrating the 850th anniversary of being granted its charter by Henry II in 1155.

And the anniversary will be capped with a visit on December 20 by Princess Anne, the Princess Royal.

The Princess will meet people from local organisations and present the Queen's Award for voluntary Service to the Wallingford Coach for the Disabled.

Mayor Lynda Atkins said: "This has been a wonderful year -- and this royal visit will put the real finishing touch to it."

Ms Atkins, with fellow town council member Simon Harrop, spearheaded the organisation of the celebrations.

She said: "We have all enjoyed ourselves but we have also remembered people less fortunate than we are.

"And we want to finish the year with a big push to help disaster victims worldwide."

Collections will be held at the Market Place carol singing on December 14.