What a pompous, sneering and shallow-minded letter from Chris Hopkin (Oxford Mail, September 9), a former Oxford University student.

He contemptuously asserts that guinea pigs have no possible use to anyone and only by inflicting experiments on them can their existence be justified.

Has he not the wit to realise that these charming creatures are, in themselves, of infinite value? Like every other species, they are the amazing products of creative evolution.

It is only familiarity which obscures our sense of wonder at the miracle of life in all its diverse, amazing forms.

Is Mr Hopkin so obtuse that he cannot understand even humble creatures feel pain and share the same 'will to live' animating us all?

Our own children developed a true sense of responsibility and empathy through caring for their guinea pigs and rabbits. There is only one justification for scientists inflicting suffering on sentient beings and that is to cure loathsome diseases, if there is no other possible way of doing so. Medical opinion is now divided on this matter. The fact that animals are sacrificed for science means we owe our fellow creatures a debt of gratitude. We should treat them always with kindness and compassion.

Graham Butler, Banbury Road, Bicester