OXFORD University were last night bidding to end their South African tour on a high note with a second victory in Cape Town.

The Dark Blues followed up a convincing 62-5 win over Villagers RFC with a narrow 21-19 loss to Stellenbosch University.

Last night's opponents, University of Cape Town, produced current Oxford back Anthony Knox, who scored a fine try in their last gasp defeat to Stellenbosch.

The Dark Blues began that fixture strongly and were rewarded with a try from flanker James Jones after some silky handling and footwork from prop Sean Brophy.

Stellenbosch hit back with a penalty before James Whittingham converted Knox's superb individual score for a 12-3 half-time lead.

The hosts then scored scored a converted try and two penalties in normal time.

But Ali James looked to have sealed the win after bursting onto Sean Fauth's pass.

Whittingham's conversion made it 19-16, before Stellenbosch struck again in injury time.

The Villagers game proved a ten-try fest, seven of which were scored by an exciting Oxford back line.

The Dark Blues' first home game is against Kanto Gakuin University at Iffley Road on October 1.