Parking charges at the three city council-run park-and-ride sites in Oxford will be waived on Car Free Day tomorrow (Thursday).

The annual event aims to promote travelling by foot, bus, bike or even skateboard, and raises awareness about pollution.

The council is offering free parking at the Redbridge, Seacourt and Pear Tree sites to try to encourage alternatives to driving.

There will also be cheaper fares for passengers on Oxford Bus Company and Stagecoach services tomorrow.

The Oxford Bus Company will be cutting fares for a day group ticket covering Oxford, Didcot and Abingdon, and Stagecoach will be offering half price Mega- rider tickets.

Oxford Bus Company's commercial director Nigel Eggleton said: "People in Oxford are in a wonderful position to have a Car-Free-Day every day.

"The city has some of the most modern and frequent buses in the country. It can often be quicker to use the bus in Oxford and leave the car at home or on a park-and-ride car park."

The city council has also organised a series of activities in Broad Street, which will be partly closed to traffic from 8am to 4pm, to allow groups to promote alternatives to driving.

Lord Mayor of Oxford Bob Price will launch the day at 8.50am in Broad Street with a bike rally around the city centre, which cyclists are invited to join.

Morton's, The Buttery and Cafe Creme will be giving breakfast vouchers to all participants.