It may be going too far to suggest there is something rotten in the state of Oxford City Council's affairs - but there is certainly something wrong.

On Friday we reported that staff absenteeism had hit record levels for the first quarter of the financial year.

Today, we get a glimpse of a department struggling to cope because so many people have left.

Councillor John Goddard did not mince his words. "Morale in the revenues department is appalling and that is reflected in the rate at which people leave and we are running it with inadequately trained staff," he said.

Managers have predicted better times to come.

But a picture is emerging of under-motivated, stressed staff, some of whom are getting out -- or else taking time out with a doctor's note.

Are these employees really facing insuperable pressures?

Or are there simply not enough suitable people out there willing or able to take on these jobs?

Either way, the council needs to get a grip.