Thames Valley Police are clearly on a nice little earner.

And for once, we're not talking about the millions they rake in from motorists caught by speed cameras.

The force is charging the Home Office up to £400 a night to detain illegal immigrants in their cells.

No doubt the police are put to enormous trouble and expense when these individuals arrive on our doorstep.

Certainly, in the past, a large number have arrived in Oxfordshire because our service stations are often the first stop for lorry drivers on the motorways from the Kent ports.

We're not certain what luxuries the unexpected visitors get courtesy of the police, but the figures being charged do seem to be very high.

You could spend a night at the Randolph in Oxford for under £150.

But Thames Valley are by no means out on their own when it comes to charging for illegal immigrants.

Essex Police, for example, charge a staggering £2,700 a day.

It would be nice if this windfall resulted in more bobbies on the beat around Oxfordshire -- then we could fill the cells with a few more home-grown criminals.