A centre helping drug addicts and substance abusers in Blackbird Leys has been saved from closure -- just a fortnight after Oxford City Council refused to help.

The Community Action Development project has been handed a £12,000 lifeline after a consortium of organisations clubbed together to keep it going.

It had been feared the Barns Road project would be axed next month after using up its £60,000 from the Government.

Since opening in 2002, it has helped hundreds of desperate people seek help on a variety of social issues.

It is now hoped the project will receive charity status by Christmas allowing it to continue without the fear of running out of funds to pay its rent and rates.

Oxford City Council, the East Oxford Healthy Living Initiative, Oxford City Primary Health Care Trust, the Oxfordshire Drug and Alcohol Action Team and Oxford Police joined forces to raise the donation, which will also help pay for staff.

Jackie Wilderspin, senior public health manager of Oxford City Primary Health Care Trust, said: "We are pleased be able to help them carry on. When it comes to drugs issues it is important that people can find the help they need.

"The fact that CAD is a service run by local people for local people is a great feature of this work in Blackbird Leys."

Colleen Mitchell, CAD project co-ordinator, said: "We are very pleased to have secured these funds. We are working hard to obtain charitable status and the necessary funds to secure the long-term future of the project."

Blackbird Leys city councillor Rae Humberstone added: "The CAD project has my fullest support in it's fight against the social ills that plague our communities.

"There is a serious lack of provision for reforming drug addicts or anyone recovering from alcohol abuse or solvent abuse and the CAD project is doing good work in this field. It is excellent news that it has got this funding. There is no hiding from the fact there is a serious drug problem in Blackbird Leys and any agency like this is worth the funding."

Gavin Brackett, a former heroin and crack cocaine addict and current CAD volunteer, said: "The drug problem is getting worse, we have people sleeping rough and needles left in parks and now I'm on the other side of the fence I can see the situation is worse and start helping these people."

CAD is open on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays. For more information call 01865 402919.