At least three pedigree cats have gone missing in west Oxfordshire in recent weeks, with two vanishing on the same day.

Grand Champion Fizzwizz Lilli Langtry, -- Lilli for short -- disappeared from a Carterton garden in July, and her owner is offering a £100 reward for her return.

Anne Madden, of The Crescent, Carterton, said: "In her younger days she was a top show cat winning prizes at championship shows all over the UK.

"She is only seven years old now and in excellent health. She spent most of her days sitting on the roof of the family car in the drive of our house.

"I have never known her wander and cannot understand where she can have gone."

Lilli, a Seal Point Birman, carries a microchip and has been spayed. Without identification papers she cannot be entered into shows, and without being able to breed she is of little financial value.

When bought as kittens, pedigree cats can cost from £350 upwards. Last week two more pedigree cats, both British Blues, were reported missing from separate addresses in Witney.

A two-year-old male disappeared from the Windrush Valley Road, as did a seven-year-old female from Madley Park.

The owner of the male cat, Bentley, is Michael Shepherd. He said: "We've had him for two years, we bought him from a pedigree breeder but he was too small to be a show cat, he's a family pet.

"People keep saying he might come back in a week but when it's your cat you think the worst. He doesn't look like a pedigree unless you're a breeder, to most people he just looks like a gray cat with a bigger head than usual."

Anyone who has seen Lilli should call 01993 843163 or 01993 842717.