Persistence has finally paid-off for frustrated bride-to-be Tracey Jordan.

On Saturday, after a staggering 27-year engagement, she will finally get her wish and become Mrs Paul Hazel.

Tracey, 41, of Berinsfield, near Wallingford, was due to wed her 'other half' Mr Hazel, in front of their family and friends at Oxford Register Office at midday today.

And she still can't really believe it is happening.

Tracey said: "Paul and I met when I was 15 and still at school.

"We got engaged when I was 17, but even though I have asked lots of times, and we have had four children, he's never agreed to get married and always put it off, until now."

Shy bridegroom Paul, 44, shrugs when asked why he's never proposed.

"Tracey has asked me several times over the years, and even our kids have asked us to get married a few times, but I suppose I felt we were fine the way we were," said the painter and decorator.

He also admitted that when it came to the crunch, he left it to his wife-to-be to get down on one knee.

"This Valentine's Day, she sent me a text at work saying "Will you marry me?"

"I laughed and showed it to a mate of mine, and he said: "Well, if you don't I will!

"When I got home, she asked me again and said I should get down on one knee.

"I said: "No, you get down on one knee and I'll get the video camera and then I'll marry you -- and she did!

"The rest of the family and the children didn't believe us when we said we were going to get married," said Tracey, who is a part time care assistant.

"I think they just thought it would never happen.

"But my dad and Paul's mum are thrilled we're finally getting married.

"I've had three engagement rings over the years and having a wedding band will be a bit strange. But it will be nice to finally be called Hazel like Paul and the children.

"I've also been practising my new signature."

The couple's children, Matt, 17, Luke, 14, Becky, 12 and Kirsty, eight, said they are looking forward to seeing their parents take their vows.

"We're especially looking forward to the party afterwards," added Becky, who along with her sister will be a bridesmaid.