Paramedics spent 40 minutes trying to resuscitate a golfer who collapsed as he reached for a club on the fairway of the 12th hole at a Didcot golf course.

The man, who was believed to be from Didcot, was certified dead on arrival at the John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford.

Police have not yet released his name, although he is understood to have been married and in his late 50s.

Michael Morley, secretary manager of Hadden Hill Golf Club, said: "It was a great shock to everyone. He was not a member, although he played regularly at the club. I did not know him except to say 'Good morning'."

Mr Morley added: "Our sympathies go out to his family."

The man who was playing a round with two friends was retrieving a club from his golf bag at about 11am when he appeared to fall over backwards.

Golfers attempted mouth-to-mouth resuscitation while someone dashed to the pro shop to call an ambulance.

Mr Morley said by the time he was called to the car park from his office, the ambulance had arrived and he took the crew with their vehicle across the course to the fairway of the 12th hole where Paramedics tried desperately to revive him - including the use of a defibrillator.

A postmortem examination is being held.

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