Motorists got a taste of chaos to come as roadworks began in Botley Road, Oxford.

Huge jams built up today after temporary traffic lights were set up near the Ferry Hinksey Road junction, reducing traffic to one lane.

Drivers were taking up to 45 minutes to get from one end of the road to the other.

New cycle lanes, footbridges and pelican crossings are being installed between Binsey Lane and the railway station.

At the same time, work is being carried out at the other end of Botley Road, to provide an access lane for cars going to Seacourt park-and-ride.

Mike Rant, county engineer for Oxfordshire County Council, said the scheme would allow quicker and easier travel by bus, bicycle and on foot.

He added that Botley Road would have to be closed to general traffic for short periods - outside normal working hours when possible - but access to homes, shops and businesses would be maintained. Mr Rant said: "Alternative routes will be signed for traffic which can divert to other routes, particularly Woodstock and Abingdon roads, during construction.

"The completion of the prog- ramme of improvements for Botley Road will enhance conditions in accordance with the aims of the Oxford Transport Strategy."

To add to the chaos, Railtrack is still working on the new station car park in Becket Street and building a footbridge from the car park across Botley Road to the station.

The changes in Botley Road have been staggered over more than a year in a bid to keep traffic moving.

Council engineers said the cycle tracks and bus lanes, with better paving and lighting, were necessary before city centre measures like the pedestrianisation of Cornmarket and closure of High Street to through traffic could go ahead.

Converted for the new archive on 30 June 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.