A woman chained herself to a car steering wheel in an attempt to block the entrance to the cattery at Hillgrove Farm.

She and two men were arrested within minutes by three police officers, who were already there as part of the constant police observation at the farm. They cut through the steering wheel to release the woman from the car.

The protesters arrived at the Minster Lovell farm, where cats are bred for laboratory experiments, at about 3.40pm yesterday. They parked their car across the entrance and let its tyres down before the woman chained herself to the steering wheel using a cycle lock round her neck.

All three were arrested on suspicion of aggravated trespass and stealing a car. The front and rear number plates of the car they arrived in did not correspond.

Sgt Chris Tarrant, of Witney police, said they were being held at Witney police station for questioning. "When they arrived police officers were already in the area and it was over in a matter of minutes.

"We cut the steering wheel to release her from the vehicle and she provided us with the key to the D lock at the police station," he said. "The intention of the protesters, we believe, was to disrupt workers leaving the premises by obstructing the road."

He added that there were always police officers at Hillgrove in the morning and afternoon when staff were arriving and leaving, and that it was under constant police observation.

The names of the three arrested have not been released and they have not been charged.

One is from London, one from Dorset and one from Hertford- shire.

Animal rights campaigners are gearing up for another mass demo at the controversial cat breeding farm near Witney this weekend.

More than 1,000 protesters are expected to converge on Hillgrove Farm on Sunday.

Converted for the new archive on 30 June 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.