THERE wasn't much room in Lauren Hawkins-Taylor's kit bag on her return from Monday's Young Athletes open meeting at Andover.

The talented youngster from Radley Ladies had her hands full after picking up two trophies, two gold medals and a silver from her Hampshire holiday triumphs.

And, just for good measure, the junior star of the future also collected a trio of personal bests.

Lauren's haul formed part of a superb day for the club which brought a total of nine medals and 11 pbs.

There was success, too, in the under 9s category, where Hannah Willis, silver medallist Fran Fisher and Kimberley Daly all achieved their best-ever times in the 50m.

Youngsters from Oxford City also travelled south, and like their Oxon counterparts, returned with a whole host of medals and pbs.

There was a full complement of colours for under nine Emma Sutton, whose gold in the long jump (2.64) was complemented by silver in the 75m and bronze in the 50m.

Not to be outdone by their younger sister, under 17 Rachel and Lucy Sutton both won a brace of gold medals, while the latter added a silver in the under 13 200m.

Ian Castle's first competitive outing saw him win the under 9 long jump and pick up a bronze in the 50m.

Under 11 Georgia French was a triple gold medallist after wins in the 80m, 150m and long jump, a feat matched by Marcus Smith in the same events for boys.

Michelle Johansen won gold and silver in the long jump and 100m respectively, a medal collection matched by Gemma Avil, who won silver and bronze in the under 15 shot and discus.

Converted for the new archive on 30 June 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.