Prince William has NOT been lined up for Oxford's Magdalen College.

That's the official line from college president Anthony Smith after claims in a national newspaper yesterday that plans were being made for the Prince to continue his education in the city of dreaming spires.

The Prince, who will be 16 on Sunday and is sitting his GCSEs, was due to break Royal tradition and attend Oxford instead of Cambridge, according to the report.

Prince Charles attended Trinity College, Cambridge, but apparently wanted his elder son to go to Magdalen.

The Prince of Wales visited building projects at the college in February 1995, where he saw new student rooms, a law library and offices. He was met by Mr Smith, then Master of Magdalen.

Now college president, he told the Oxford Mail: "Prince Charles did visit several years ago and this is deeply flattering but at the moment it is speculation and nothing else.

"Absolutely nothing has been said or done and in my view it is far too soon for the young man concerned to be worrying about this."

Prince William's uncle, Earl Spencer, went up to Magdalen in 1982, to read history.

Other famous students include Oscar Wilde and Sir John Betjeman.

Magdalen is also where a former Prince of Wales - who later became Duke of Windsor - arrived in 1912 to study French, German and history. He left after two years without a degree.

Speculation that Prince Charles wanted his younger son Harry to go to nearby Radley College school ended recently when he passed his entrance exam for Eton.

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