A man has been ordered to curb his temper after assaulting a former girlfriend during an arg- ument.

Robert Stewart, 36, of Springfield Oval, Witney, dragged Tracy Clark into his car before speeding off.

Judge Anthony King put the divorced self-employed plasterer on probation for two years and ordered him to attend a Men Without Violence course.

Christopher Cousins, prosecuting, told Oxford Crown Court how the couple had a three-year relationship but were not together in December last year when Stewart assaulted the mother-of-one.

He was unhappy about a letter sent to him by social services which referred to allegations made by Ms Clark against him.

Mr Cousins told the court Stewart confronted her when he saw her standing outside her brother's house in Well Lane, Curbridge.

He said: "He clearly became very upset and agitated and he grabbed her with his two hands on the jacket and he pulled her on to the floor and dragged her towards his car. Her son was extremely upset at this stage.

"He sped off with her at high speed, greatly frightening her and eventually he calmed down a little and they parked.

"Tracy decided the best thing she could do was go along with the defendant and calm him down. She said she would have a word with social services about the letter."

Stewart, who has previous convictions - all spent - for violence, then dropped her off at a bus stop.

Oliver Peirson, defending, said Stewart had a vicious temper but was a hard-working, honest man who wanted help with his temper.

Stewart was told to pay £250 compensation and £200 costs.

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