CONFIDENCE and confusion ran hand in hand when Perriss Wilkins raised his British discus record at Birmingham's Alexander Stadium.

The Banbury Harriers star had warned the previous week that he would throw much, much further in 1998, but expected the improvement to come after his training stint in America.

"I wouldn't say it was a shock," Wilkins admitted. "The conditions were ideal and I just flowed."

Wilkins broke his own record of 65.22 with his first throw of 66.64 before producing two more efforts in excess of 64 metres.

The confusion arose before his new record throw, when Wilkins was told that chief rival in the British camp and training partner, Bob Weir, had hurled the discus even further in the USA the previous day.

No one, however, could confirm the story, but Wilkins responded in the best possible style with his best-ever throw.

"If it's true that Bob has thrown further then I'm delighted for him," Wilkins declared.

"Whoever's got the record it just doesn't matter. I'm just glad I've thrown a pb."

Wilkins has missed out on selection for the Great Britain men's team for the European Cup in St Petersburg, Russia on June 27-28.

The selectors have plumped for Weir.

The pair were due to meet up in the States when the truth will have unfolded and the real record-holder unearthed.

Converted for the new archive on 30 June 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.